Tag Archives: doodles

You’re Not The Boss of Me…

This doesn’t happen until around 4:30 on Monday. 8 a.m. I am singing a different tune; mainly about coffee. But that’s another post for another day.
Monday Owned

Don’t Step in the Process…





Peter Cook in a post on LinkedIn said, “Leadership is not about stopping things happening and pointless administration.” Same can be said about a process. Good ones keep things moving while making sure the right people are involved and informed. Bad ones, things stop and the pointless paperwork drill begins. Try not to step in the process. It’s a bitch to clean off of your shoes.

I’d Like That In Triplicate…


 I was on a conference call the other day and heard a conversation about the preliminary approval of something and the not quite preliminary approval due to concerns and the push for a final approval. I’m sorry, what? Either it’s approved or it ain’t. I was a little dizzy after that conversation.

It’s Just Enough…


My hands are shaking because it’s cold in here. Really.

Too Much Coffee

A Missed Opportunity…

I saw a church sign today that read, “Good turns problems into opportunities for personal growth.” It made me think of this cartoon I drew back in August, 2011:


Personal Growth

And this:

Personal Growth Gone

Best to get rid of those before they fester.

It’s A Magical Time…

Thought I’d be earth conscious and recycle. I drew this almost five years ago but the philosophy behind the cartoon still holds. Coffee time is a magical time.

Coffee Zen

It’s Never Too Late…

Never Too Late

I drew this at 6:30 pm on a Friday with a big mug of coffee sitting by my drawing pad. It’s never too late.

Death By…

Death By

I try to keep my PowerPoint slides simple. A few words. Maybe a nice graphic to help get the point across. Sometimes, though, there are those slides that feel like they could bring an indictment for murder. Or at least reckless endangerment.

A recent presentations started out very homicidal. It was ugly. The group pulled together to make improvements by the deadline but it still never was that great. It wasn’t death by PowerPoint but close. It was really uncomfortable-and-miserable-feeling by PowerPoint.

The Blogging Dead…


Zombie is the new black. There are “Zombie Houses“, “Zombie Stocks“,  even “Zombie Computers” now. Zombies are everywhere and very in fashion. I have even heard blogs/webpages that still exist but long since inactive described as “Zombie blogs.” This isn’t one of those. I’m just busy with that thing that allows me to pay my bills, eat. That thing.

It’s not dead, Jim. Just off doing “responsible” things. More to come.

I Never Trusted Monday…

Weekend Killer3

This is a rerun but felt appropriate. May your Monday coffee pot never be empty.